La parálisis es la incapacidad o la capacidad reducida de mover voluntariamente músculos individuales o varios músculos, grupos musculares o extremidades.Ottobock ofrece órtesis para parálisis para diferentes cuadros clínicos.
Causas, síntomas y tratamiento
Una parálisis es la incapacidad o la capacidad reducida de mover voluntariamente uno o más músculos, grupos musculares o extremidades. Se distingue entre diferentes tipos de parálisis.
Ottobock supports and orthoses

Motor paralysis
Motor paralysis (paralysis of the locomotor system) is classified as peripheral or central paralysis depending on the height of the damage.
Peripheral paralysis: the nerve is diseased or damaged, either in its course after leaving the spinal cord (severed by an injury, for example) or where it originates in the spinal cord (due to polio, for example). These are always cases of flaccid paralysis. The affected muscle groups or limbs exhibit no muscle tension whatsoever.
Central paralysis: the paralysis site is higher with this type, that is, in the long nerve tracts known as the pyramidal tracts of the spinal cord (spinal paralysis) or in the brain itself (cerebral paralysis), for example, after a stroke. Central paralysis frequently becomes spastic over time, meaning the tension of the affected musculature is increased. Depending on the extent of paralysis, it can be referred to as monoplegia (paralysis of just one limb), paraplegia (paralysis of the upper or lower limbs), tetraplegia (paralysis of all limbs) or hemiplegia (paralysis of one half of the body).
Sensitive paralysis (sensory paralysis)
This type of paralysis is caused by diseases of the peripheral or central nervous system. The ability to perceive sensory stimuli such as cold, heat, pain or touch is lost or decreased in certain areas of the body.
Other types of paralysis
Some types of paralysis are caused by a disease in the muscle itself (myogenic paralysis). Paralysis for mental reasons (psychogenic paralysis) also occurs in rare cases.
Volver a la vida cotidiana: en 3 pasos hasta la órtesis de Ottobock
- Aquí encontrará un resumen de las órtesis y correajes que pueden ser adecuados para usted. Lleve consigo esta lista la próxima vez que acuda al médico.
- Consulte a su médico cuál de las órtesis es la más adecuada para su cuadro clínico. Seguidamente, su médico le extenderá una receta para la órtesis correspondiente.
- Acuda con la receta a una ortopedia. Allí recibirá su nueva órtesis después de haberse adaptado con precisión a sus medidas corporales.