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5A60 - Prosthetic sockets

Komponenten Kit-Anpassbares Schaftsystem

Varos. Right from the start

The Varos socket is a socket solution that benefits transfemoral amputees starting in the rehabilitation phase as well as later during treatment with the final prosthesis.
One key advantage is the option to independently adapt the socket circumference to fluctuations in the volume of the residual limb and to everyday activities by simply turning the closure – as needed. This offers numerous benefits in everyday life, from an enhanced feeling of safety to the potential for better movement control. 

The Varos socket is a socket solution that benefits transfemoral amputees starting in the rehabilitation phase as well as later during treatment with the final prosthesis.
One key advantage is the option to independently adapt the socket circumference to fluctuations in the volume of the residual limb and to everyday activities by simply turning the closure – as needed. This offers numerous benefits in everyday life, from an enhanced feeling of safety to the potential for better movement control. 

The Varos liner was developed to be compatible with the Varos socket. Contact between the Varos liner and and fabric adhesive strips in the socket result in a secure hold in the socket. Plus, pressure distribution provided by the liner ensure a comfortable fit. Additionally, the Varos socket can be fabricated in significantly less time than a conventional socket.

Product type
Mobility grade1, 2, 3, 4
Max. body weight275.58 lbs
All specifications
Benefits at a glance
Varos socket system – user Lazlo with therapist
Socket circumference can be independently adjusted

Thanks to the BOA Fit System, the socket circumference can be adjusted independently and at any time. This can be necessary if there are fluctuations in the residual limb volume, or to suit a particular activity. In this way, the sense of safety can be directly influenced.

Varos socket system – user Lazlo with O&P professional
Reaching your goal quickly

Modular socket design, easy to adapt – a fitting with the Varos socket saves valuable time. The number and duration of the visits to an O&P professional for prosthesis adjustments are significantly reduced compared to treatment with conventional sockets.

Varos socket system – user Lazlo sitting
Easy to put on and remove the prosthesis

The Varos socket makes it easy to put on and remove the prosthesis even while sitting. This is a huge advantage, especially for older prosthesis wearers or individuals who are affected by an amputation and have little experience in using a prosthesis.

Varos socket system – user Lazlo with dog
Enhanced feeling of safety and better stability

Keeping a clear head to think about what’s next. The Varos socket makes it possible to do just this. It offers good stability and comfort for an enhanced feeling of safety. This makes it easier to concentrate on what they actually want to do.


Product information

Mobility grade1, 2, 3, 4
Max. body weight275.58 lbs

Product Data

Article numberSideResidual limb lengthProximal residual limb circumferenceDistal residual limb circumferenceMax. body weight
5A60=L-Sleft (L)7.87–12.60 "16.14–20.08 "12.60–15.35 "220.46 lbs
5A60=R-Sright (R)7.87–12.60 "16.14–20.08 "12.60–15.35 "220.46 lbs
5A60=L-Mleft (L)7.87–12.60 "18.11–22.83 ″13.78–17.32 ″220.46 lbs
5A60=R-Mright (R)7.87–12.60 "18.11–22.83 ″13.78–17.32 ″220.46 lbs
5A60=L-Lleft (L)7.87–12.60 "0.79–25.59 ″15.75–19.29 "275.58 lbs
5A60=R-Lright (R)7.87–12.60 "0.79–25.59 ″15.75–19.29 "275.58 lbs
5A60=L-SCleft (L)7.87–12.60 "18.11–22.83 ″12.60–15.35 "220.46 lbs
5A60=R-SCright (R)7.87–12.60 "18.11–22.83 ″12.60–15.35 "220.46 lbs
5A60=L-MCleft (L)7.87–12.60 "18.11–22.83 ″13.78–17.32 ″220.46 lbs
5A60=R-MCright (R)7.87–12.60 "0.79–25.59 ″13.78–17.32 ″220.46 lbs



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