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Two women sit outside while catching up. One wears the Ottobock Genu Arexa on her left knee.
Two women sit outside while catching up. One wears the Ottobock Genu Arexa on her left knee.
Two women sit outside while catching up. One wears the Ottobock Genu Arexa on her left knee.

Leg and knee orthoses

Ottobock leg orthoses and knee orthoses help to stabilise impaired limbs and joints and relieve pain.

Ottobock leg orthoses and knee orthoses help to stabilise impaired limbs and joints and relieve pain.

Leg and knee orthoses

Reclaim your mobility with a knee or leg orthosis

Our legs and knees put in an incredible performance every day. One moment they’re carrying us from A to B, the next they’re transporting us up and down stairs with no outside help. But as is so often the case in life, we rarely realise just how much we need our lower limbs to move about until they no longer function properly. In fact, illnesses that affect our joints such as osteoarthritis of the knee or injuries such as torn ligaments are not only painful but can also severely impact our mobility. If you have pain or mobility restrictions affecting your locomotor system, regardless of whether the problem is temporary or long-term, an orthopaedic device such as an Ottobock knee orthosis or support can help by easing the strain and stabilising or mobilising the affected area.

What are knee orthoses and supports?

Knee orthoses and supports are orthopaedic devices that offer protection, support and pain relief to people affected by disorders of the locomotor system. They ensure that your legs or knees are optimally supported, stabilised, relieved and mobilised. There are also special orthoses that are designed to immobilise the entire leg. Knee orthoses include rigid functional elements such as rods, joints or stirrups made of plastic or metal. They can also include flexible elements. Flexible fabrics are used for knee supports. Everyday knee supports are made of elastic fabrics and often include elastic inserts called pads. The pads support the affected joint and use compression to reduce irritation, swelling and oedema.


Ámbito de uso de las órtesis y los correajes de rodilla

El uso de órtesis de rodilla puede merecer la pena en diversos cuadros clínicos. Las órtesis de pierna se emplean, entre otras, en caso de lesiones funcionales y dolencias como gonartrosis o roturas de ligamentos. Contribuyen, por ejemplo, a proteger las articulaciones y, al mismo tiempo, pueden movilizar parcial o totalmente la parte del cuerpo afectada. Las órtesis de rodilla, como la Agilium Freestep 2.0 o la Agilium Reactive de Ottobock, han demostrado su eficacia además en casos de gonartrosis. Por el contrario, los correajes de rodilla se utilizan a menudo al practicar deporte. Los correajes, como la Genu Sensa, ofrecen libertad de movimiento y, al mismo tiempo, apoyan la articulación en caso de dolor de rodilla e inestabilidad. Además, los correajes elásticos contribuyen a reducir la hinchazón, derrames e inflamaciones. Para procurar estabilidad una vez curada una lesión, las órtesis de rodilla también pueden ser un medio auxiliar de protección al practicar deporte.


¿Cómo se usan las órtesis de rodilla?

Los correajes para la rodilla y las órtesis de rodilla son medios auxiliares ortopédicos que se colocan y fijan de forma externa en las partes del cuerpo afectadas, tanto por encima de la ropa como también directamente sobre la piel. Para ello se sitúan en la zona correspondiente del cuerpo y se fijan mediante cierres de velcro, correas o enganches de plástico. Las órtesis deben tener un ajuste y un tamaño óptimos, esto es, no estar demasiado flojas y demasiado ceñidas. Si el medio auxiliar no está colocado correctamente, la órtesis de rodilla no cumplirá su finalidad y, en el peor de los casos, puede dificultar la circulación sanguínea y provocar hinchazón y dolor. Un ajuste correcto con una comodidad de uso máxima es el abecé de todo medio. Por este motivo, al elegir un producto ortopédico debe dejarse asesorar siempre por un médico o un técnico ortopédico.

How long should I wear my knee orthosis?

In general, you can wear your orthopaedic product for as long as you and your doctor find necessary. During the initial phase of treatment for an injury, you should follow your doctor’s instructions about wearing the product very carefully. Orthoses are generally not worn at night, but in exceptional cases, your doctor may explicitly instruct you to do so. If you experience any pain or discomfort, you should contact your doctor to clarify the cause. Once a knee joint injury has healed, you can continue wearing your knee support or orthosis. It can protect you from straining or overexerting your knee in such cases. Depending on the severity of the injury, you may need to visit your doctor for regular checkups.


Volver a la vida cotidiana: en 3 pasos hasta la órtesis de Ottobock

  1. Aquí encontrará un resumen de las órtesis y correajes que pueden ser adecuados para usted. Lleve consigo esta lista la próxima vez que acuda al médico.
  2. Consulte a su médico cuál de las órtesis es la más adecuada para su cuadro clínico. Seguidamente, su médico le extenderá una receta para la órtesis correspondiente.
  3. Acuda con la receta a una ortopedia. Allí recibirá su nueva órtesis después de haberse adaptado con precisión a sus medidas corporales.

Ottobock knee and leg orthoses

The illustrated products represent treatment examples. Many different factors determine whether a product is actually suitable for you and whether you are capable of taking full advantage of the functionality of the product. Key aspects include your physical condition, fitness and a detailed medical examination. Your doctor or O&P professional will also decide which treatment is best suited to you. We’re here to support you.