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Orthotics and NeuroMobility.

Smiling man with lower leg orthosis in front of a brick wall.
Smiling man with lower leg orthosis in front of a brick wall.
Smiling man with lower leg orthosis in front of a brick wall.

Ottobock's portfolio of orthotic and NeuroMobility solutions is designed to provide optimal support and comfort for your needs. From custom orthotics to off-the-shelf solutions, to functional electrical stimulation (FES) devices, to neurostimulation suits, we have a range of devices that enhance mobility and relieve discomfort. From here you can discover our range of solutions, learn more about common conditions, and find a clinical partner close to you.

Discover our solutions.

For more than 100 years, Ottobock has been collaborating with specialists to develop functional orthotic and NeuroMobility devices. Our goal is to help people move more freely and with less pain, correct malpositions, and provide effective support for the healing process. Orthoses and supports have proven to be particularly effective for these purposes. They allow injured ligaments, joints, and bones to heal. In addition, they can preserve functionality even in permanently impaired limbs and reduce pain.

Agilium Vantage

Agilium Range

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, it most commonly develops in the knee and causes pain. Knee or lower-leg-foot-braces like those in the Agilium Range are specifically designed to relieve painful areas in the knee joint and can provide sustained relief from knee pain.

Conditions and Rehabilitation.

There are many different illnesses and diagnoses that require the need for orthoses and NeuroMobility devices – whether right from the start of treatment or afterward to support therapy. Learn more about some of the most common conditions and how we can support you.

Family with Cerebral palsy child sitting on swing

Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a group of movement disorders that appear in early childhood, caused by a brain injury that develops before, during, or soon after birth.

Want to know more? Contact us using the form below.