Introducing the Unofficial Discipline.

ما هي المنافسة غير الرسمية؟
في كل يوم يتوجب على أكثر من مليون إنسان من الأشخاص الذين لديهم نوع من الإعاقة الجسدية الدخول في منافسات وسباقات تحدي غير مرئية ضد عدم إمكانية الوصول والدخول إلى الأماكن والمرافق؛ إنهم يحاربون السلالم وعتبات الأدراج، والمصاعد المعطلة، والأشكال الظالمة الأخرى. في عام 2024، وبينما يلتقي العالم في باريس للمشاركة في الألعاب البارالمبية، نحن نقدم منافسة رمزية لعام 2024: المنافسة غير الرسمية المكوَّنة من الحواجز اليومية التي يتوجب على الأفراد ذوي الإعاقة مواجهتها والتغلب عليها في كل يوم، لتسليط الضوء على العقبات غير المرئية بالنسبة للأشخاص الأصحاء.
مع وجود الدعم الذي تقدمه لجنة الألعاب البارالمبية الدولية وشبكة سفراء شركة أوتوبوك غلوبال، فإن مهمتنا ستكون واضحة: البدء في الحديث والنقاش عن الحواجز الجسدية وغير الجسدية، وتعزيز الفهم العام، وحشد الطاقات لإحداث التغيير في كيفية فهمنا ومعالجتنا لعدم إمكانية الوصول والدخول إلى الأماكن والمرافق. سنكون قد حققنا الفوز عندما يتمكن كل فرد من الوصول إلى خط النهاية واجتيازه.

المنافسة اليومية التي ينبغي ألا تكون على شكل منافسات أو سباقات التحدي الرسمية.
سواءً أكانت مجرد مواجهة مع المفاهيم أو الصور النمطية، أو التحديات غير المرئية عند السفر، أو الوصول والدخول للأماكن والمرافق في الحياة اليومية التي تجعل مسألة الذهاب من النقطة A إلى النقطة B سباق حواجز، ندعوكم لاستعمال صوتكم ومشاركة قصصكم عن المنافسة غير الرسمية من خلال وسم/هاشتاك #UnofficialDiscipline بهدف نشر الوعي. دعونا نحقق رقماً قياسياً في كسر الحواجز والمعوقات.
Meet the athletes and their Unofficial Disciplines.
Almost nothing can stop a gold-winning para-athlete in the stadium. In everyday life, however, they can still be hindered by inaccessibility. But shouldn't their chosen discipline be enough? Learn about their #UnofficialDiscipline.

Davide Morana
Italian Davide Morana is a para-athlete best known for his sprinting achievements. However, the speed that he brings to the track is hardly translatable to everyday life where the increased integration of touch screens can be time-consuming and tedious for a double-arm amputee.
Italian Davide Morana is a para-athlete best known for his sprinting achievements. However, the speed that he brings to the track is hardly translatable to everyday life where the increased integration of touch screens can be time-consuming and tedious for a double-arm amputee.

Desiree Vila Bargiela
While others only think about the competition when they travel Spanish para athlete Desirée Vila Bargiela who is among the top five long jumpers in the world, constantly has to question whether the hotel she is staying in will have a shower she can use comfortably when she is not using her prosthesis.
While others only think about the competition when they travel Spanish para athlete Desirée Vila Bargiela who is among the top five long jumpers in the world, constantly has to question whether the hotel she is staying in will have a shower she can use comfortably when she is not using her prosthesis.

Alessandro Ossola
Alessandro Ossola is an Italian Paralympic sprinter who has achieved significant success in international competitions, notably winning medals in the World Para Athletics European Championships. While there is hardly anything he can’t do today, he worries about the future and how the healthcare system will support him when he’s an older amputee.
Alessandro Ossola is an Italian Paralympic sprinter who has achieved significant success in international competitions, notably winning medals in the World Para Athletics European Championships. While there is hardly anything he can’t do today, he worries about the future and how the healthcare system will support him when he’s an older amputee.

Samantha Kinghorn
Samantha Kinghorn is a Scottish Paralympic wheelchair racer who has achieved notable success, including winning multiple gold medals at the World Para Athletics Championships and competing in the Paralympic Games. Yet her biggest challenge remains doors that open the wrong way which means that as a wheelchair user, she can't enter without assistance.
Samantha Kinghorn is a Scottish Paralympic wheelchair racer who has achieved notable success, including winning multiple gold medals at the World Para Athletics Championships and competing in the Paralympic Games. Yet her biggest challenge remains doors that open the wrong way which means that as a wheelchair user, she can't enter without assistance.

Leon Schäfer
Germany's Léon Schäfer has won multiple world and European titles in the Para long jump and sprint. However, his biggest hurdle remains to obtain a driver's license, as even driving schools that claim to be for people with disabilities aren’t educated enough on the topic.
Germany's Léon Schäfer has won multiple world and European titles in the Para long jump and sprint. However, his biggest hurdle remains to obtain a driver's license, as even driving schools that claim to be for people with disabilities aren’t educated enough on the topic.

Ezra Frech
Para world record holder in high Jump and phenomenal sprinter, American Ezra Frech's Unofficial Discipline starts in the bathroom. While he seamlessly conquers jumps as high as 1.95 m in competitions, inaccessible bathrooms such as those with barriers in front of the shower or the bathtub pose not only a real challenge but also a risk to him.
Para world record holder in high Jump and phenomenal sprinter, American Ezra Frech's Unofficial Discipline starts in the bathroom. While he seamlessly conquers jumps as high as 1.95 m in competitions, inaccessible bathrooms such as those with barriers in front of the shower or the bathtub pose not only a real challenge but also a risk to him.
The difficult part is when people say I can't do something — not because I'm unable, but because they believe that having a disability means I can't.
Bebe Vio, Italian para-fencer and multiple paralympic gold medalist

The Unofficial Discipline in Paris.
You shouldn’t have to bring on your A-game to get from A to B.
To raise awareness, we’ve strategically placed billboards, posters, and projections in Paris during the Paralympic Games. These installations are placed on staircases or popular tourist attractions and highlight the campaign’s message. However, Paris is just the beginning. The campaign will soon roll out to other cities around the World. We understand that our mission to break down barriers is not a sprint but a marathon, and it’s crucial to recognize the progress that is already underway. If we defeat all barriers we all win!