Patient Reported Outcomes & Surveys

Virtual Symposium for Healthcare Professionals


Real-world evidence gathered through surveys and patient reported outcomes provides understanding of the disease burden experienced by transfemoral amputees from the patient's point of view.

In addition to clinical studies that gather treatment outcomes from the perspective of practitioners, direct questioning of patients can also provide information regarding what the patient perceives as the added value of care.

This afternoon's conference will focus on innovative methods for gathering data on the disease burden in patients with transfemoral amputations and best practices exchange about patient surveys.

Join us to enjoy the insights presented by clinical and research experts.


Virtual Symposium

16:00 CET

Welcome and Introduction
Chair/Moderator Prof. Dr. med. Frank Braatz, Professor of Medical Orthobionics, PFH Private University of Göttingen (Germany)

16:05 CET

The Degree of Safety against Falls Provided by 4 Different Prosthetic Knee Types: A Retrospective Observational Study
Dr. Pierpaolo Palumbo, Bioengineer, Personal Health Systems Lab at the University of Bologna (Italy)

16:30 CET

A Survey for characterizing details of fall events experienced by lower limb prosthesis users
Andrew Sawers, PhD, Ass. Prof., Associate Professor, Kinesiology and Nutrition, University of Illinois at Chicago (USA)

17:00 CET

Patient Survey microprocessor-controlled knee joints
Prof. Dr. med. Bernd Brüggenjürgen, Head of Institute for Health Services Research and Technical Orthopedics, Diakovere Annastift - Orthopedics Clinic of Hannover Medical School (Germany)

17:20 CET

Panel Discussion

17:30 CET

Wrap-up and Closing

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Registration for Healthcare Professionals


Dr. Pierpaolo Palumbo

Pierpaolo Palumbo is a bioengineer at the Personal Health Systems Lab of the University of Bologna. His main research area is biomedical data analysis for preventive and personalized medicine. Among his research topics, he works on falls in the elderly and people with lower limb amputation. He received a PhD degree in Bioengineering at the University of Bologna in 2015, and a MSc in Medical Engineering at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata" in 2011. He leads the Topic Group "Falls among the elderly" in the Focus Group "Artificial Intelligence for Health" of the International Telecommunication Union and World Health Organization.

Pierpaolo Palumbo

Andrew Sawers, PhD, Ass. Prof.

Dr. Andrew Sawers started his career as CPO in 2005 at the University of Rochester Medical Center. He earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Kinesiology from the University of Calgary, a Master of Science Degree in Prosthetics and Orthotics from the Georgia Institute of Technology, as well as a PhD in Rehabilitation Medicine from the University of Washington. From 2012-2015 Dr. Sawers was a postdoctoral fellow in Biomedical Engineering at Emory University in Atlanta. Dr. Sawers is currently an Associate Professor at the University of Illinois Chicago in the Department of Kinesiology, where his research focuses on reducing the frequency and consequences of falls in lower limb prosthesis users. Dr. Sawers is an active member of several professional organizations including the International Society of Posture and Gait Research, and the American Society of Biomechanics. Between 2014 and 2022 he was the Chair of the Orthotic and Prosthetic Education and Research Foundation.

Global Campaign Landingpage - Andrew Sawers

Prof. Dr. med. Bernd Brüggenjürgen

Graduated in medicine, Bernd Brüggenjürgen spent his first professional years in medicine at "Orthopädisches Fachkrankenhaus Annastift" / Hannover, Germany, after which he then moved into the pharmaceutical industry as the Head of Health Economics and Disease Management at Glaxo Wellcome (now GSK) with an add-on study of Public Health at the Medical School Hannover where he graduated with a Master’s in Public Health. Between 2000 and 2016 Prof. Brüggenjürgen worked as a managing partner at Boston Healthcare Associates International (formerly Alpha Care). Together with experts from both Europe and the US he founded the international healthcare consultancy Aegisnet in 1998. He has led various academic and industry projects covering outcomes research, market access strategies, health economic modelling, patient data analyses and strategic health policy issues for both drugs and devices. Until 2008 he coordinated the health economics and health systems research group at the Institute for Epidemiology, Social Medicine and Health Economics at the University Medical Center Berlin, Charité, where he obtained his venia legendi. Since 2019, Prof. Brüggenjürgen chairs the Institute for Health Services Research and Technical Orthopedics in the Orthopedic Department of Medical School Hannover at Diakovere Annastift Hospital. Prior he was head of the Institute for Health Economics at the Steinbeis-Hochschule Berlin. Prof. Dr. med. Bernd Brüggenjürgen is president of the German Association for Health Care Sciences and Public Health. He was chairman of the working group economic evaluation of the German Association for Health Economics. Bernd Brüggenjürgen - Image

Prof. Dr. med. Frank Braatz

Prof. Braatz is a specialist in orthopedics and trauma surgery, physical and rehabilitative medicine and pediatric orthopedics. Before he became a Professor for Orthobionics at the Private University Göttingen 2013, he was head of the Technical Orthopedics and Infantile Cerebral Palsy Section at the Clinic for Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery at Heidelberg University Hospital which he joined in 2002 after working at the BG Unfallklinik Ludwigshafen 1995, the Clinic for General and Visceral Surgery at the FSU Jena 1998 and the Clinic and Polyclinic for Orthopedics at the University of Cologne 1999. He is also a founding member and board member of the Association for Technical Orthopedics, a member of the advisory board of the BIV Federal Guild Association and the German Society for Motion Analysis. For years he has been scientifically involved in the subjects of technical orthopedics, orthobionics and motion analysis. Frank Braatz