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Modern Slavery Policy Statement

Ottobock is a world-leading manufacturer and supplier of prosthetic limbs, orthotic supports and wheelchairs that facilitate independence. For private patients, Ottobock offers a full range of rehabilitation services at our private clinics across the UK and Ireland.

As a company, Ottobock Healthcare PLC recognises our responsibilities under the Modern Slavery Act 2015 to ensure that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in any part of our business. We want our customers to be confident that our business treats our employees fairly, respecting human rights, and ensuring that they are not exposed to any unsafe working practices. We are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships, and will ensure in so far as we are able that slavery and human trafficking do not take place anywhere in our supply chain.

As part of our due diligence process, we will identify and mitigate risk as far as reasonable practicable by:

  • Managing our branches closely to ensure full control of the work environment.

  • Continually work towards building long standing and trusting relationships with suppliers and customers establishing clarity with regards to our expectations of business behaviours

  • Encouraging an environment of reporting concerns in confidence

  • Work with our colleagues at our Head Office in Germany to monitor suppliers from outside the UK and Ireland

  • Providing training for staff as applicable/appropriate

Ottobock Healthcare PLC seeks to source its supplies in a responsible manner and fully expects our suppliers to operate in full compliance with all applicable laws. Ottobock Healthcare PLC will not work with any organisations who have been found to be knowingly involved with any form of human trafficking or slavery, and a failure by a supplier to comply with applicable laws (including as they relate to Slavery and Human Trafficking) would be a justifiable reason for such relationship to be reviewed and potentially terminated.

This policy will be reviewed and updated annually as a minimum.

Russell Pizzey
Regulatory Affairs & QMS Manager
Otto Bock Healthcare PLC
32 Parsonage Road, Egham, TW20 0LD

Date: September 2020