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Keeping Active

Fitness for Sport and Leisure


Fitness for sport & leisure

Being physically active is easier than you think, especially if you make activity part of your daily routine.

For most of us, except older adults, daily chores such as shopping or housework don't count towards your activity target. This is because your body doesn't work hard enough to get your heart rate up.

When it comes to exercise, people with disabilities have pretty much the same options as able-bodied people – everything from simply getting out a bit more to playing team sports. Once you start looking, you’ll be surprised how much is out there.

Running is an effective and straightforward way of exercising. As is Cycling; there are tricycles, quadcycles, recumbants, hand-powered bikes called handcycles and power-assisted bicycles, all of which are alternatives for those unable to ride a regular bicycle.

Swimming can feel quite liberating if you have a physical disability, as your body is mostly supported by the water. Many pools offer classes and sessions catering specifically for disabled people.

Involve friends and family to make activities more fun, sociable and enjoyable. Get outside with a friend and support and motivate each other, take the children swimming or join an exercise class.

Fitness App

Developed by physical and occupational therapists with the goal of helping leg amputees achieve more mobility and to provide professional support in their everyday lives.The fitness app can now be downloaded for free from the Apple store by searching "Fitness for amputees".

Prosthetic users using the fitness app

Rehabilitation and wellness

Rehab & wellness is really about balancing the different parts of your life that allow you to live to your fullest potential. Find out more about exercise, rehab, diet and more.



Sportsline - Running Prostheses

Ottobock’s sport prostheses for fitness and leisure make it possible to get up and get moving again.

The only running prostheses designed and developed for below & above-knee amputees, both child and adult, our prosthetic solutions can help you increase strength and mobility while enhancing your overall health and well-being. And, if you’re an athlete in training, the 1E90 sprinter is the prosthesis you need.
