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Emilia sits in the Kimba and takes a trip to the lake with her family
Emilia sits in the Kimba and takes a trip to the lake with her family
Emilia sits in the Kimba and takes a trip to the lake with her family

Kids Wheelchairs & Buggies

Kimba seating buggy has safety and functionality.

Buggies & Walkers

Take a look at our range of walking aids and foldable strollers for children that offer the adequate support for your child with all the flexibility required for young people.

Take a look at our range of walking aids and foldable strollers for children that offer the adequate support for your child with all the flexibility required for young people.


Manual Wheelchairs

Take a look at our range of manual wheelchairs for children.

Take a look at our range of manual wheelchairs for children.


Powered Wheelchairs

Learn more about our power wheelchairs for children.

Learn more about our power wheelchairs for children.

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