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1C56 - Pies

Taleo Adjust

Tipo de productoPies protésicos de material compuesto
Grado de movilidad2, 3
Peso corporal máx.115 kg
Todas las especificaciones
Todas las ventajas de un vistazo
Close-up of Natálie setting the heel height of the Taleo Adjust.
Easy adjustment of the heel height

Do you want to wear shoes with different heel heights? No problem! At the push of a button, you can easily and independently adjust the heel height of the prosthetic foot. Now you no longer have to think twice about which shoes you want to wear.

With her Taleo Adjust prosthetic foot, Zainab sits relaxed on a chair.
Wear a variety of shoes

A normal workday at the office, followed by dinner at an up-scale restaurant. Adapt your prosthetic foot to your needs. Depending on the shoes you decide to wear, you can adjust the heel height to footwear with heels of up to 7 cm. Take advantage of this freedom!

Three pairs of men's shoes lined up side by side.
For everyone

No matter what gender – everyone benefits from a heel height adjustable prosthetic foot. Barefoot in the morning, workout in trainers, business shoes to work, followed by an evening at the bar? Gone are the days when you had to wear the same pair of shoes for all occasions.

Zainab sits in a garden chair and dangles her Taleo Adjust into a water basin.
Make a splash

Whether you want to go to the swimming pool or the sea, or go for a splash and jump in puddles, there’s no need to hold back – the Taleo Adjust does it all. The prosthetic foot is waterproof and corrosion-resistant.

Natálie walks straight ahead with her Taleo Adjust prosthetic foot.
Smooth rollover for easy walking

The Taleo Adjust’s seamless rollover from heel strike to toe-off allows easy and comfortable walking without dead spots - depending on the footwear.

Side view of Ottobock foot options.
More than a foot. A foundation.

The prosthetic foot makes a difference in the success of your treatment. Learn more about prosthetic feet in general and our other foot options here.

Experiencia de usuario


As an online content creator Zainab travels a lot and attends various events. Her Taleo Adjust prosthetic foot supports her in expressing her personality. “Wearing a high heel foot is really life-changing for a woman. It’s great to have the choice to dress the way you want in daily life and for events.”


Natálie show us how easy it is to adjust the heel height of her new prosthetic foot. “I am wearing my Taleo Adjust which is amazing because it has new features. And it is the special button, if you just push it, you can wear different types of shoes.”


By pushing a press button, the ankle can be unlocked easily by the user, the desired heel height can be adjusted and the ankle locked again with the press button – the individually optimal prosthetic alignment can be reproduced. No additional tools are required.


Información del producto

Tipo de productoPies protésicos de material compuesto
Grado de movilidad2, 3
Peso corporal máx.115 kg
Altura de amputaciónAmputación transtibial, Amputación transfemoral

Archivo del producto

Grado de movilidad2, 3
Peso corporal máx.115 kg
LadoIzquierda, Derecha
Tamaño (medidas)22-28 cm
Peso (sin funda)680 g*
Forma de funda de pie
Color funda de piecolor de la piel 4, marrón claro 15
Peso con funda de pie normal930 g*
Altura del sistema con funda de pie normal100 mm*
Altura de montaje con funda de pie normal118 mm*
Altura del tacón0 - 70 mm*


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El Taleo transmite una sensación natural y agradable. El pie protésico se flexiona suavemente y, gracias al retorno eficiente de la energía, permite un patrón de paso dinámico. Se adapta con flexibilidad a su comportamiento de marcha individual y a los más diversos terrenos e inclinaciones. El Taleo es resistente al agua dulce, salada y clorada. Los perfiles adicionales para el drenaje del agua del adaptador y las aberturas en la planta del pie impiden que el agua se acumule en su prótesis y le moleste durante sus actividades.
El Taleo transmite una sensación natural y agradable. El pie protésico se flexiona suavemente y, gracias al retorno eficiente de la energía, permite un patrón de paso dinámico. Se adapta con flexibilidad a su comportamiento de marcha individual y a los más diversos terrenos e inclinaciones. El Taleo es resistente al agua dulce, salada y clorada. Los perfiles adicionales para el drenaje del agua del adaptador y las aberturas en la planta del pie impiden que el agua se acumule en su prótesis y le moleste durante sus actividades.