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Juvo B4
Juvo B4
Juvo B4
Common Conditions

Motor Neurone Disease (MND)

About Motor Neurone Disease

Motor Neurone Disease (MND) is a progressive disease that attacks the motor neurones, or nerves, in the brain and spinal cord. This means messages gradually stop reaching muscles, which leads to weakness and wasting.

MND can affect how you walk, talk, eat, drink and breathe. However, not all symptoms necessarily happen to everyone and it is unlikely they will all develop at the same time, or in any specific order.

Although there is currently no cure for MND, symptoms can be managed to help you achieve the best possible quality of life.

The best wheelchair for MND is one that maximises independence, voice and choice - and now Ottobock has you covered.

Suitable Wheelchairs

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Suitable Wheelchairs

Juvo B4

The compact and robust entry-level model in the Juvo B4 product line features a modular design and offers a great deal of flexibility, both indoors and outdoors.

The compact and robust entry-level model in the Juvo B4 product line features a modular design and offers a great deal of flexibility, both indoors and outdoors.

Suitable Wheelchairs


The high-quality power wheelchair offers many adjustment options and can be adapted precisely to your personal requirements. Whether visiting friends, going away on a trip, or comfortably dining at a restaurant, the A200 power wheelchair offers great independence.

The high-quality power wheelchair offers many adjustment options and can be adapted precisely to your personal requirements. Whether visiting friends, going away on a trip, or comfortably dining at a restaurant, the A200 power wheelchair offers great independence.

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