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Cuadros clínicos y síntomas

Lesiones en los ligamentos, articulaciones y huesos o el tratamiento de una parálisis completa o parcial de una pierna: las dolencias son igual de diversas que los cuadros clínicos que las provocan.

Lesiones en los ligamentos, articulaciones y huesos o el tratamiento de una parálisis completa o parcial de una pierna: las dolencias son igual de diversas que los cuadros clínicos que las provocan.

Get detailed information about different conditions and symptoms, treatment options and diagnostic methods. Specific orthoses and supports have been designed to address each diagnosis and help relieve your pain and discomfort.

Molestias en la zona del pie/articulación del tobillo

Ligament instability in the foot/ankle joint

Various ligaments in the ankle joint stabilise the joints in conjunction with muscles that encompass the joints. The therapy for ligament instability depends on the cause and degree of severity. Phased treatment with an orthosis is indispensable for patients with a torn ligament.

Various ligaments in the ankle joint stabilise the joints in conjunction with muscles that encompass the joints. The therapy for ligament instability depends on the cause and degree of severity. Phased treatment with an orthosis is indispensable for patients with a torn ligament.

Heel bone fracture

Falling is the most common cause of a heel bone fracture. In some cases, the fracture can be treated conservatively with an orthosis. After the area has been immobilised with a splint, a heel relief orthosis supports mobility.

Falling is the most common cause of a heel bone fracture. In some cases, the fracture can be treated conservatively with an orthosis. After the area has been immobilised with a splint, a heel relief orthosis supports mobility.

Lesiones en la articulación del tobillo

Los esguinces y las lesiones de ligamentos de la articulación del tobillo se encuentran entre las lesiones más frecuentes, especialmente entre deportistas. Estudios actuales muestran que un tratamiento funcional temprano con órtesis aporta mejores resultados que una inmovilización prolongada.

Los esguinces y las lesiones de ligamentos de la articulación del tobillo se encuentran entre las lesiones más frecuentes, especialmente entre deportistas. Estudios actuales muestran que un tratamiento funcional temprano con órtesis aporta mejores resultados que una inmovilización prolongada.

Ankylosis or stiffening of the lower ankle joint (arthrodesis)

A procedure to stiffen the ankle joint can be performed in cases where it has undergone severe changes, for example, due to arthrosis. After this procedure called arthrodesis, an orthosis protects the ankle joint and gradually increases the foot’s capacity to bear weight.

A procedure to stiffen the ankle joint can be performed in cases where it has undergone severe changes, for example, due to arthrosis. After this procedure called arthrodesis, an orthosis protects the ankle joint and gradually increases the foot’s capacity to bear weight.

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Molestias en la zona de la rodilla

Ligament instability in the knee

The ligaments stabilise the knee joint in conjunction with muscles that encompass the joint. Various factors can cause ligaments to be weak (laxity), as a result of which the joints may also be unstable. Physiotherapy and stabilising orthoses can help alleviate pain and discomfort.

The ligaments stabilise the knee joint in conjunction with muscles that encompass the joint. Various factors can cause ligaments to be weak (laxity), as a result of which the joints may also be unstable. Physiotherapy and stabilising orthoses can help alleviate pain and discomfort.

Osteoarthritis of the knee

Osteoarthritis of the knee often occurs in adults. Wear and tear on the knee joint becomes apparent due to pain. Medications, physiotherapy and orthopaedic devices can improve mobility.

Osteoarthritis of the knee often occurs in adults. Wear and tear on the knee joint becomes apparent due to pain. Medications, physiotherapy and orthopaedic devices can improve mobility.

Dolencias de la rodilla

La articulación de la rodilla es la articulación del cuerpo sometida a mayor esfuerzo. De ahí que el riesgo de sufrir una lesión o una enfermedad sea elevado. El tratamiento dependerá de la causa de las dolencias. Las órtesis y correajes pueden estabilizar, descargar y guiar la articulación y aliviar el dolor.

La articulación de la rodilla es la articulación del cuerpo sometida a mayor esfuerzo. De ahí que el riesgo de sufrir una lesión o una enfermedad sea elevado. El tratamiento dependerá de la causa de las dolencias. Las órtesis y correajes pueden estabilizar, descargar y guiar la articulación y aliviar el dolor.

Cruciate ligament tear

Along with the collateral ligaments, the cruciate ligaments hold the knee joint together. If a cruciate ligament is torn, the damaged ligament is often replaced with a piece of tendon from another part of the body during an operation. Orthoses stabilise the knee joint and help affected individuals get moving early on.

Along with the collateral ligaments, the cruciate ligaments hold the knee joint together. If a cruciate ligament is torn, the damaged ligament is often replaced with a piece of tendon from another part of the body during an operation. Orthoses stabilise the knee joint and help affected individuals get moving early on.

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Molestias en la zona de la cadera/espalda

Hip dysplasia

Hip dysplasia is a malformation or maldevelopment of the acetabulum. A misalignment (hip luxation or hip joint luxation) may develop in addition. Especially in infants, the disease can be successfully treated with an orthosis.

Hip dysplasia is a malformation or maldevelopment of the acetabulum. A misalignment (hip luxation or hip joint luxation) may develop in addition. Especially in infants, the disease can be successfully treated with an orthosis.

Problemas de espalda

Hasta un 70 % de las mujeres de entre 30 y 60 años sufren dolor de espalda; en el caso de los hombres, las cifras alcanzan el 80 %. En muchos casos ayuda una combinación de tratamiento del dolor, medios auxiliares técnicos ortopédicos y fisioterapia.

Hasta un 70 % de las mujeres de entre 30 y 60 años sufren dolor de espalda; en el caso de los hombres, las cifras alcanzan el 80 %. En muchos casos ayuda una combinación de tratamiento del dolor, medios auxiliares técnicos ortopédicos y fisioterapia.

Wear and tear of the spine

There are various causes for wear and tear of the spine. Age, severe strain, smoking and excess weight often play a significant role. Orthoses provide relief for the back and support it after surgery.

There are various causes for wear and tear of the spine. Age, severe strain, smoking and excess weight often play a significant role. Orthoses provide relief for the back and support it after surgery.

Espina bífida

La espina bífida (columna vertebral abierta) es una malformación en la zona de la columna vertebral y la médula espinal que se produce al inicio del embarazo. El tipo y los síntomas pueden ser muy diferentes. De ellos depende el éxito del tratamiento con medios auxiliares como, p. ej., órtesis.

La espina bífida (columna vertebral abierta) es una malformación en la zona de la columna vertebral y la médula espinal que se produce al inicio del embarazo. El tipo y los síntomas pueden ser muy diferentes. De ellos depende el éxito del tratamiento con medios auxiliares como, p. ej., órtesis.

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Molestias en la zona de la mano, el hombro y el cuello

Molestias en la muñeca

Las causas de las molestias en la zona de la muñeca son muy dispares. Los dolores se pueden irradiar de la mano al brazo y viceversa. Las órtesis adaptadas individualmente al cuadro clínico favorecen la recuperación y pueden aliviar el dolor.

Las causas de las molestias en la zona de la muñeca son muy dispares. Los dolores se pueden irradiar de la mano al brazo y viceversa. Las órtesis adaptadas individualmente al cuadro clínico favorecen la recuperación y pueden aliviar el dolor.

Latigazo cervical

A menudo, un latigazo cervical está provocado por un choque frontal. Con frecuencia han de pasar unas horas tras el accidente hasta que el paciente empiece a notar que las estructuras de la columna cervical han sufrido daños. Por lo general, el tratamiento posterior es de tipo conservador.

A menudo, un latigazo cervical está provocado por un choque frontal. Con frecuencia han de pasar unas horas tras el accidente hasta que el paciente empiece a notar que las estructuras de la columna cervical han sufrido daños. Por lo general, el tratamiento posterior es de tipo conservador.

Shoulder instability

There are many causes for shoulder instability. An operation is needed in some cases. However, ligament laxity can regularly be treated using conservative methods. Physiotherapy and orthoses are important elements of therapy success.

There are many causes for shoulder instability. An operation is needed in some cases. However, ligament laxity can regularly be treated using conservative methods. Physiotherapy and orthoses are important elements of therapy success.

Codo de tenista/codo de golfista

El codo de tenista/codo de golfista (epicondilitis lateral) está originado por una sobrecarga de la musculatura del antebrazo y de sus tendones. Las órtesis pueden contribuir a aliviar las molestias.

El codo de tenista/codo de golfista (epicondilitis lateral) está originado por una sobrecarga de la musculatura del antebrazo y de sus tendones. Las órtesis pueden contribuir a aliviar las molestias.

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Molestias en el sistema esquelético/muscular/nervioso

Infantile cerebral palsy

Cerebral palsy is a usually spastic disorder of the nervous and muscular system that occurs in children. A multidisciplinary therapy approach is usually applied. Devices range from infancy to adulthood and help with positioning and support as well as improving balance and the ability to walk.

Cerebral palsy is a usually spastic disorder of the nervous and muscular system that occurs in children. A multidisciplinary therapy approach is usually applied. Devices range from infancy to adulthood and help with positioning and support as well as improving balance and the ability to walk.


Paralysis is the inability or reduced ability to voluntarily use one or more muscles, muscle groups or limbs. Custom paralysis orthoses are available today for various diagnoses and symptoms.

Paralysis is the inability or reduced ability to voluntarily use one or more muscles, muscle groups or limbs. Custom paralysis orthoses are available today for various diagnoses and symptoms.

Multiple sclerosis

Individuals with MS may have many different neurological symptoms. When MS patients are affected by spasticity, devices such as orthoses can help alleviate their symptoms and maintain the greatest possible mobility.

Individuals with MS may have many different neurological symptoms. When MS patients are affected by spasticity, devices such as orthoses can help alleviate their symptoms and maintain the greatest possible mobility.


Osteoporosis (bone atrophy) is a syndrome defined by an ongoing and continuous decrease in bone mass. Orthoses help to relieve symptoms.

Osteoporosis (bone atrophy) is a syndrome defined by an ongoing and continuous decrease in bone mass. Orthoses help to relieve symptoms.

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