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4R11 - Adaptateur


Niveau de mobilité1, 2, 3, 4
Poids max. du patient150 kg
Niveau d’amputationAmputation transtibiale, Désarticulation de genou, Amputation transfémorale, Désarticulation de hanche
Groupe d'utilisateursAdultes, Enfants
Activitésutilisation quotidienne, Sports
Résistance à l’humiditéRésiste à l’eau
MatériauTitane, Acier inoxydable
Toutes les spécifications
Expérience utilisateur


"I have heard and seen so much about it but it is always different when you try it yourself. What an incredible adapter! It makes your life easier as a prosthetic user. You can easily switch between prosthetic legs or take your prosthesis off faster to sit smoothly and have extra space on the airplane. Or switch trousers much faster without having to take off your socket. Simple things that have a great impact on our daily life practices. Love it."


What Ota likes most about the Quickchange adapter is that he can easily put on and take off his trousers now. That is especially useful for him when he is touring and giving concerts with his band Šlapeto. Sitting in a car and train is also much more comfortable than before as he can easily take off his prosthetic foot.


Changing from her daily to her sports prosthesis is much faster and easier for Natálie with the Quickchange. Open the Quickchange with one turn, remove the daily foot, attach the sports foot, close the Quickchange with one turn and start running right away.


Informations produit

Niveau de mobilité1, 2, 3, 4
Poids max. du patient150 kg
Poids max. de l’utilisateur (activité élevée)125 kg
Niveau d’amputationAmputation transtibiale, Désarticulation de genou, Amputation transfémorale, Désarticulation de hanche
Groupe d'utilisateursAdultes, Enfants
Activitésutilisation quotidienne, Sports
Résistance à l’humiditéRésiste à l’eau
MatériauTitane, Acier inoxydable

Fichier produit

Référence de l’article4R11=P-1-34R11=R-1-34R11=ST-1-34R11=ST-2-3
Hauteur de montage44 mm55 mm41 mm41 mm
Poids370 g370 g330 g325 g

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