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Неврологические состояния

Детский церебральный паралич (ДЦП)

Детский церебральный паралич – заболевание, возникающее в результате поражения головного мозга с нарушением двигательных и статокинетических функций, возникающее в перинатальный период. Спастические симптомы встречаются в 75% всех случаев.


Causes, symptoms and treatment

Cerebral palsy (ICP) is a typically spastic disturbance of the nervous and muscular system that occurs in children. It is characterised by disturbances of the nervous and muscular system in the areas of muscle tension (tonicity), muscle strength, coordination and movement sequences. Mixed forms of spasticity with generally elevated muscle tension are the most common.



The possible causes for infantile cerebral palsy can vary widely. A lack of oxygen, umbilical cord complications, infections, cerebral haemorrhage and accidents can lead to infantile cerebral palsy throughout the course of pregnancy, but most commonly in the course of birth.
Multiple disabilities are seen in the majority of cases. The overall rate of occurrence is three out of 1,000 live births. However, premature infants are most frequently affected.



Симптомы детского церебрального паралича и их индивидуальная интенсивность сильно различаются у разных детей. Спастические симптомы встречаются в 75% всех случаев.

The long flexors and the adductors in particular are affected by paralysis with all forms. Spasticity also causes stiffening of the joints. In clinical terms, the condition of the individual joints can be described as follows: the hip is angled, flexed and turned inward. The elbow, wrist and knee joints tend to be stiff when flexing them. The forearm is flexed and the thumb is rotated inward. The ankle joint and foot are in the clubfoot position, and the spine is highly distorted as well.

Diagnosis and therapy

Diagnosis and therapy

The diagnosis of ICP is based on clinical findings after other progressive causes such as tumours or inflammation have been excluded. Treatment focuses on multidisciplinary therapy encompassing various medical, orthopaedic and therapeutic approaches. Ottobock offers various suitable device solutions ranging from infancy to adulthood – for example, for positioning and support and to improve balance and the ability to walk (ankle-foot orthoses, walking aids, sitting and positioning aids).

Выбрать изделие

Возвращение к обычной деятельности: три шага до получения ортеза

  1. Здесь вы найдете обзор всех ортопедических изделий, которые потенциально могут вам помочь. Узнайте больше о свойствах данных изделий или обратитесь за советом к врачу.
  2. Уточните у своего врача, какой ортез лучше подойдет при ваших симптомах и состоянии. Врач может выписать вам назначение на подходящее изделие, указав его свойства.
  3. Обратитесь со своим назначением в специализированную ортопедическую компанию, где специалисты вместе с вами подберут подходящее вам изделие.

Ottobock orthoses and supports for infantile cerebral palsy

The illustrated products represent treatment examples. Many different factors determine whether a product is actually suitable for you and whether you are capable of taking full advantage of the functionality of the product. Key aspects include your physical condition, fitness and a detailed medical examination. Your doctor or O&P professional will also decide which treatment is best suited to you. We’re here to support you.