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Ottobock SE & Co. KGaA
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37115 Duderstadt, Germany

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P.h.G.: Ottobock Management SE

Headquarter Duderstadt, Germany
AG Göttingen, HRB 205183

President & Chairman of the Board
Prof. Hans Georg Näder

Executive Directors
Oliver Jakobi (CEO/ CSO)
Dr. Arne Kreitz (CFO)
Arne Jörn (COO/ CTO)
Martin Böhm (CXO)

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Dr. Bernd Bohr


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Mail info@ottobock.com

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Picture credits

© (2016) Tabaluga Enterprises GmbH. TABALUGA is based on an idea of Peter Maffay, Gregor Rottschalk and Rolf Zuckowski. Pictures by Helme Heine. www.tabaluga-enterprises.de

© (1992) Gunter-Belitz-Paralympics-1992: gettyimages

© (2010) Boetzow-Berlin-1885: Bötzow-Berlin-GmbH-&-Co.-KG

© (2010) Master plan of the architect David Chipperfield: David Chipperfield Architects

© The Sustainable Development Goals: United Nations. www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/news/communications-material/