iFab Production – thermoplastics
iFab Production offers a wide range of orthoses and prosthetic sockets in the field of thermoplastic fabrication.
iFab Production offers a wide range of orthoses and prosthetic sockets in the field of thermoplastic fabrication.
iFab Production – thermoplastics
iFab Production offers a wide range of orthoses and prosthetic sockets in the field of thermoplastic fabrication. These are based on a digital 3D model of the patient that has been modelled by the technician to match the respective treatment requirements. This patient model is milled from rigid foam using the iFab machinery. The customised device is subsequently vacuum formed on this rigid foam model in the material and thickness of your choice. When you place your order, you can also select various optional post-processing services for your product.
Advantages at a glance
Material: You can order the thermoplastic products in either PP or PE
Colouring: Choice of different thermopapers for custom orthosis designs
Reproducibility: Easily reproducible in the same high quality of the thermoplastic products based on the CAD data
Custom subsequent processing: The delivered products can be thermoformed and sanded in the orthopaedic workshop
Finishing options: Choose from various finishing options such as precision processing of the edges, padding, vacuum forming the Trolen tabs, etc.
Scope of delivery: When you place an order for a thermoplastic orthosis, you can order the production model as an optional extra.