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616B65 - Prepreg Technology

Kraibon rubber

Flexible edges in combination with prepreg

Kraibon is a thin film of non-cross-linked rubber that cures together with the resin in the existing manufacturing process. A structure of hard and soft material can be achieved which combines the good mechanical properties of fibre composite plastics with the good "elastic" properties of rubber. The usual manufacturing process of a fibre composite component remains unchanged - no additional bonding agents are required.

Kraibon is a thin film of non-cross-linked rubber that cures together with the resin in the existing manufacturing process. A structure of hard and soft material can be achieved which combines the good mechanical properties of fibre composite plastics with the good "elastic" properties of rubber. The usual manufacturing process of a fibre composite component remains unchanged - no additional bonding agents are required.

This innovative technology is now also being used in orthopaedics and can be used, for example, to produce soft edges in orthoses. The drapability of the material allows it to be easily moulded to the component. It can be inserted and draped like prepreg. Different material thicknesses can be achieved by laying several layers.

AnwendungsbereichOrthosis lower limb, Orthosis upper limb, Prosthesis lower limb, Prosthesis upper limb
UsecasesDefinitely socket production, Definitely orthosis production
All specifications

All benefits at a glance

  • Processing in combination with Ottobock pre-pregs – no adhesive or mechanical joint required for a flexible edge

  • Smooth transition between hard and soft material

  • Excellent draping characteristics for easy mould-ing to the component

  • Various material thicknesses can be obtained with multiple layers

  • Cut pieces of Kraibon rubber can be stored in the supplied grip bag in a conventional freezer

  • Can be combined with Ottobock reinforcement materials and Ottobock prepregs


Processing instructions:

  • Cures only at temperature and in a vacuum

  • Do not laminate thin/sharp prepreg edges

  • Not for processing with peel ply


Shipping information:

Shipping days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday


Product information

AnwendungsbereichOrthosis lower limb, Orthosis upper limb, Prosthesis lower limb, Prosthesis upper limb
UsecasesDefinitely socket production, Definitely orthosis production
ProduktartThermoset prepregs
Gewicht520 g/m²
Inhalt28 Page
AmputationsniveauTransfemoral amputation, Transradial amputation, Transtibial amputation, Transhumeral amputation

Product Data

ArtikelnummerVerpackungsformStärke pro ZuschnittPackungFlächengewicht
616B65=228 blanks, 250 mm x 300 mm0.5 mm2 m²520 g/m²