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3R80 - Prosthetic knee joints

Modular Knee Joint with Rotary Hydraulic

Show your determination, and don’t let anything stop you.
Product typeMechanic monocentric
Mobility grade3, 4
Max. body weight150 kg
All specifications

Product information

Product typeMechanic monocentric
Mobility grade3, 4
Max. body weight150 kg
Amputation levelTransfemoral amputation, Hip disarticulation, Knee disarticulation, Hemipelvectomy
User groupadults
ActivitiesDaily use, Sports
Moisture resistancewaterproof
Distal connection

Tube clamp Ø 34 mm

Product Data

Article imageArticle numberMax. body weightMobility gradeWeightProximal connectionDistal connectionKnee flexion angleSystem heightProximal system height to alignment reference pointDistal system height to alignment reference pointBuild heightProximal build height to alignment reference pointDistal build height to alignment reference point
3R80=ST150 kg3, 41255 g

Threaded connector

Tube clamp Ø 34 mm

150 °179 mm44 mm135 mm216 mm44 mm172 mm
Article image
Article number3R80=ST
Max. body weight150 kg
Mobility grade3, 4
Weight1255 g
Proximal connection

Threaded connector

Distal connection

Tube clamp Ø 34 mm

Knee flexion angle150 °
System height179 mm
Proximal system height to alignment reference point44 mm
Distal system height to alignment reference point135 mm
Build height216 mm
Proximal build height to alignment reference point44 mm
Distal build height to alignment reference point172 mm