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Four people sitting on a bench. A man with a below the knee prosthetic leg, a woman with a bebionic hand, a woman with a C-Leg prosthetic knee joint and a woman with a trans-tibial prosthesis.
Four people sitting on a bench. A man with a below the knee prosthetic leg, a woman with a bebionic hand, a woman with a C-Leg prosthetic knee joint and a woman with a trans-tibial prosthesis.
Four people sitting on a bench. A man with a below the knee prosthetic leg, a woman with a bebionic hand, a woman with a C-Leg prosthetic knee joint and a woman with a trans-tibial prosthesis.
What to know


People with many different kinds of limb differences and limb losses rely on a prosthesis to support their mobility. Learn about the different types of prosthetics, how they work, and what they offer.

People with many different kinds of limb differences and limb losses rely on a prosthesis to support their mobility. Learn about the different types of prosthetics, how they work, and what they offer.

About prostheses

What is a prosthetic device?

A prosthesis is an artificial device used to replace all or part of a missing limb. Prostheses are often used by someone who has experienced limb loss due to injury, accident, or illness, but they can also be used by someone with a congenital condition that results in a limb difference.

Unlike knee or hip replacements ("endoprostheses"), which are implanted in the patient's limb, prostheses are worn by the user by attaching it to their residual limb. While not everyone with a limb difference or limb loss needs a prosthesis, the right device can empower users in many different ways. Keep reading to learn more about how.

What they do

The purpose of a prosthesis

The basic purpose of a prosthetic device is to restore the functionality and mobility of a missing limb, making it easier to take part in daily activities, hobbies, work tasks, and more.

Prostheses can also improve users’ quality of life, empowering them to be as active as they want and are able to be – whether that means moving safely around their house or being a high-performance athlete. For people who have experienced a limb loss, a prosthetic device can also help reduce the emotional impact of an accident or injury.

Who they’re for

Types of prostheses

There are many types of prostheses, from simple devices like mechanical or body powered evices to complex, high-tech ones that mimic the movement and functionality of a natural limb. Here’s a quick overview of some of the most common prosthetics.

Prosthetic user with C-Leg is walking
Lower limb devices

Prosthetic legs

Prosthetic legs are used to replace missing feet, knees, and hips.

Two of the most common types (based on amputation level) are below-knee prostheses and above-knee prostheses. Prosthetic legs are generally often used by people who have lost a foot or leg in an accident or due to a medical condition like diabetes, peripheral artery disease (PAD), or cancer.

Detaljan pregled

Protetika donjih ekstremiteta

Proteze donjih ekstremiteta jedna su od najčešćih vrsta proteza. Dolaze u mnogo različitih oblika i izvedbi, uključujući i čisto mehaničke proteze i računalne uređaje koji mogu oponašati kretanje prirodnog ekstremiteta.
Potkoljene proteze dizajnirane su da nadomjeste stopalo koje nedostaje. Natkoljene proteze mogu zamijeniti stopalo, koljeno ili kuk.
Napredne proteze za donje ekstremitete obično se izrađuju od kombinacije protetičkih komponenti, poput stopala, adaptera, protetičkog zgloba koljena i ležišta. Kombinacija poput Ottobock C-Leg ili Genium X3 s Taleo stopalom – može pomoći korisnicima da ponovno hodaju prirodno.

Prosthetic user with C-Leg is walking
The C-Leg 4, one of Ottobocks mechatronic knee joints.
Prosthetic knee

C-Leg 4

The C-Leg 4 is the world’s most trusted microprocessor knee. It offers exceptional, proven reliability and the performance users need to enjoy a healthy, active lifestyle.

The C-Leg 4 is the world’s most trusted microprocessor knee. It offers exceptional, proven reliability and the performance users need to enjoy a healthy, active lifestyle.

The Genium X3 Microprocessor-Controlled Knee from Ottobock
Prosthetic knee

Genium X3

Built on the breakthrough Genium platform, the Genium X3 offers a smooth, intuitive walking experience, and versatile support in everyday situations.

Built on the breakthrough Genium platform, the Genium X3 offers a smooth, intuitive walking experience, and versatile support in everyday situations.

Taleo prosthetic foot
Prosthetic foot


The Taleo prosthetic foot is designed for active users who navigate varied indoor and outdoor environments and place a high value on effortless walking and the ability to go wherever life takes them.

The Taleo prosthetic foot is designed for active users who navigate varied indoor and outdoor environments and place a high value on effortless walking and the ability to go wherever life takes them.

Protetičke šake i ruke

Protetičke ruke mogu zamijeniti mnogo različitih dijelova ruke, uključujući prste, šake, laktove i ramena. Ottobock nudi kompletan program ovakvih proteza s velikim izborom dizajna i funkcija.
Jednostavne kozmetičke ruke dizajnirane su da izgledaju poput prirodne ruke. Najnaprednije protetičke šake i ruke mogu se kontrolirati na mnogo različitih načina, uključujući protetička pomagala koja se pokreću pokretima tijela i tehnološki napredni uređaji kojima upravljaju mišićni signali ("mioelektrični" uređaji poput bebionic, Michelangelo ili VariPlus Speed ​​Hand).
Ove proteze podržavaju svakodnevne aktivnosti korisnika na različite načine, od izgleda do pomoći u obavljanju svakodnevnih životnih aktivnosti.

Two women in front of an easel. One is holding a pencil in her bebionic prosthetic hand and taking a selfie. The other woman is watching from the background.
bebionic prosthetic hand
Protetička šaka


Intuitivna i precizna, bebionic protetička ruka mijenja živote i sposobnosti amputiraca diljem svijeta.

Intuitivna i precizna, bebionic protetička ruka mijenja živote i sposobnosti amputiraca diljem svijeta.

Michelangelo prosthetic hand
Protetička šaka


Lagana, moćna i brza, Michelangelo šaka ima za cilj vratiti brojne funkcije prirodne ruke u sofisticiranom i inteligentnom dizajnu.

Lagana, moćna i brza, Michelangelo šaka ima za cilj vratiti brojne funkcije prirodne ruke u sofisticiranom i inteligentnom dizajnu.

MyoBock prosthetic hand
Protetička šaka

VariPlus Sensor Hand

VariPlus Sensor Hand kombinira zapešće koje se brzo odvaja s mehaničkim karakteristikama SensorHand Speed ​​i upravljanje sustavom Electric Greifer DMC VariPlus.

VariPlus Sensor Hand kombinira zapešće koje se brzo odvaja s mehaničkim karakteristikama SensorHand Speed ​​i upravljanje sustavom Electric Greifer DMC VariPlus.

Finding the right fit


Kod protetike važno je imati na umu da ne postoji jedinstveno rješenje za sve. Svaka proteza treba biti stručno odabrana i prilagođena pojedinom korisniku, uzimajući u obzir njegove individualne potrebe i ciljeve.
Taj proces je timski rad, koji uključuje korisnika, njegovog liječnika ili kirurga, certificiranog protetičara-ortotičara (CPO), a često i fizikalnog terapeuta ili ergoterapeuta. Za najbolje rezultate uvijek radite s CPO-om: kliničkim stručnjakom osposobljenim za prilagodbu protetičkih rješenja za osobe s amputacijom. CPO će raditi s korisnikom kako bi utvrdio njegove specifične potrebe i ciljeve, zatim će preporučiti i opremiti pomagalo koji najbolje odgovara njihovoj situaciji.
Čak i uz stručno postavljanje, naučiti koristiti protezu može biti teško, osobito u početku. Za svladavanje protičkog pomagala potrebno je vrijeme, praksa i odlučnost. Međutim, uz pravo pomagalo i obuku, proteza može transformirati korisnikovu svakodnevnu pokretljivost, neovisnost i kvalitetu života.
Želite se povezati s CPO-om koji vam može pomoći pronaći pravu protezu? Kliknite ispod kako biste pronašli Ottobock poslovnicu u svojoj blizini.

An amputee is accompanied by a physical therapist as they trial a prosthetic foot in a rehabilitation center
An amputee is accompanied by a physical therapist as they trial a prosthetic foot in a rehabilitation center
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A prosthetic hand and a human hand grasp each other with the little finger
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