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Join the Engineering team

Coworkers inspecting a prosthetic leg in an O&P facility
Coworkers inspecting a prosthetic leg in an O&P facility
Coworkers inspecting a prosthetic leg in an O&P facility

Ottobock Healthcare's Engineering Department

The Engineering department of Ottobock is located in Salt Lake City, Utah, and encompasses three types of engineers: Quality, Process, and Research and Development Engineers. Innovation and superior products cannot be achieved without the cross collaboration between our engineers. They play an integral role not only during the manufacturing process, but also in maintaining Ottobock's mission to regain or maintain a user's mobility. Using their creativity, experience, and immense knowledge, Ottobock Healthcare engineers are responsible for making things happen from the ground up, including design and development, process efficiency, and quality output.

Meet the Engineering team

Our engineers are highly motivated individuals who are excited about the prospect of innovation and continuous improvement. Our team is naturally curious and understands the importance of staying up on the latest technological advances. They love taking on a challenge and are natural problem solvers. Ottobock Healthcare Engineers are highly adaptable, can manage multiple projects simultaneously, and handle changing priorities with aplomb.

Two engineers converse in a lab together
Two engineers converse in a lab together

Overview of Ottobock North America benefits

We provide competitive benefits with the flexibility to choose what’s best for you. Not limited to just healthcare coverage, Ottobock North America offers access to customized service centers, professional development opportunities, and mental health resources.

An employee walking to a meeting in an office
An employee walking to a meeting in an office

Find your new job at Ottobock North America

Are you interested in joining Ottobock North America? Review our open positions and apply today!

Professionals in a meeting setting
Professionals in a meeting setting