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Join the Human Resources Department

Two colleagues conversing in a meeting room
Two colleagues conversing in a meeting room
Two colleagues conversing in a meeting room

Ottobock Healthcare's Human Resources Department

The Human Resources department at Ottobock North America works hard to cultivate an environment that results in a thriving, diverse workforce, to provide excellent performance, and successful partnerships. Employees are Ottobock’s most valuable assets, and Human Resources prioritizes creating a workplace that allows employees to flourish and truly love and value their job.

Meet the HR Team

The Human Resources Department is passionate about supporting the world's leading O&P organization. They are dedicated to empowering efforts in making a positive impact on the lives of those who rely on Ottobock. Human Resources is committed to Ottobock's employees, purpose, and providing quality care. They focus on fostering a workplace culture that encourages collaboration, creativity, and innovation. If you're looking to make a difference, explore Human Resources openings today.

Two professional colleagues in an office meeting
Two professional colleagues in an office meeting

Overview of Ottobock North America benefits

We provide competitive benefits with the flexibility to choose what’s best for you. Not limited to just healthcare coverage, Ottobock North America offers access to customized service centers, professional development opportunities, and mental health resources.

An employee walking to a meeting in an office
An employee walking to a meeting in an office

Find your new job at Ottobock North America

Are you interested in joining Ottobock North America? Review our open positions and apply today!

Professionals in a meeting setting
Professionals in a meeting setting