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Join the Marketing team

Marketing professionals brainstorming ideas
Marketing professionals brainstorming ideas
Marketing professionals brainstorming ideas

Ottobock Healthcare's Marketing Department

The Marketing department is responsible for managing Ottobock North America's brand in the digital ecosystem, including digital marketing, content and social, strategy, and marketing technologies. With an international network, the Marketing department benefits from working with experts across the globe. Marketing has copious opportunities to present a new perspective on worldwide campaigns and closely collaborate with headquarters in Germany to align local and global initiatives.

Meet the Marketing team

While the North American Marketing team is based in Austin, Texas, our professionals span across the United States and Canada. The dynamic and close-knit Marketing team participates in and attends social and professional events, such as the Paralympic Games, offering opportunities to meet their colleagues in different parts of the world. Marketing activities are driven by product launches, internal initiatives, or national events.

A group photo of the Marketing professionals of Ottobock North America
A group photo of the Marketing professionals of Ottobock North America

Overview of Ottobock North America benefits

We provide competitive benefits with the flexibility to choose what’s best for you. Not limited to just healthcare coverage, Ottobock North America offers access to customized service centers, professional development opportunities, and mental health resources.

An employee walking to a meeting in an office
An employee walking to a meeting in an office

Find your new job at Ottobock North America

Are you interested in joining Ottobock North America? Review our open positions and apply today!

Professionals in a meeting setting
Professionals in a meeting setting