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Join the Customer Service team

Professionals meeting in an office
Professionals meeting in an office
Professionals meeting in an office

Ottobock Healthcare's Customer Service Department

The Customer Service department supports internal and external customers of Ottobock Healthcare and are dedicated to maintaining a positive relationship by providing a best-in-class experience. External customers consist of O&P professionals and end-users of Ottobock products. The department is structured into three teams: Operations (pre-sales), Customer Service (Sales), and After-Care (post-sales). Their success is measured by call wait times, first call resolutions, call quality, and Net Promoter Scores. The department uses the ERP system, SAP, for daily customer transactions and Microsoft products for communication, scheduling, meetings, and tasks.

Meet the Customer Service team

The Customer Service team is dedicated to establishing the Ottobock North America as a reliable resource in the industry. While team members span across North America, Customer Service makes the most of virtual happy hours, virtual scavenger hunts, and sharing photos with colleagues. New hires benefit from an in-depth training that lasts 6 months to educate on products, processes, systems, and market industry knowledge. Customer Service Representatives are required to learn and pass trainings on complaint handling following FDA requirements for the med-tech industry. There are several opportunities for advancement within the department through continuous education.

Two peers meeting in an office
Two peers meeting in an office

Overview of Ottobock North America benefits

We provide competitive benefits with the flexibility to choose what’s best for you. Not limited to just healthcare coverage, Ottobock North America offers access to customized service centers, professional development opportunities, and mental health resources.

An employee walking to a meeting in an office
An employee walking to a meeting in an office

Find your new job at Ottobock North America

Are you interested in joining Ottobock North America? Review our open positions and apply today!

Professionals in a meeting setting
Professionals in a meeting setting