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Lower Limb Orthotics

Agilium Range - Less knee pain. More life.

Christoph mit Familie auf dem Roller
Christoph mit Familie auf dem Roller
Christoph mit Familie auf dem Roller
Agilium Range

Less knee pain. More life - with the Agilium Range of lower limb orthoses.

Osteoarthritis of the knee is a degenerative condition of the knee joint. It is caused by excessive strain or incorrect loads, which causes the cartilage in the knee joint to be damaged. Progressive pain often results, and besides medication and physiotherapy, orthopaedic devices such as braces can also help relieve the joint and counteract pain. The Agilium Range is a family of lower limb braces designed to treat and relieve osteoarthritis of the knee. Consisting of a range of devices, each one is designed to treat and support different presentations of the disease.

Agilium Forte

Agilium Forte

Ideal for users with moderate to severe knee osteoarthritis, the Agilium Forte is ideal for those who prefer a rigid, lightweight brace that is comfortable and easy to use.

Ideal for users with moderate to severe knee osteoarthritis, the Agilium Forte is ideal for those who prefer a rigid, lightweight brace that is comfortable and easy to use.

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Agilium Freestep 3.0

Applied to the foot and lower leg, the Agilium Freestep 3.0 is designed to specifically relieve the affected cartilage in the knee joint by shifting the load line in the knee.

Applied to the foot and lower leg, the Agilium Freestep 3.0 is designed to specifically relieve the affected cartilage in the knee joint by shifting the load line in the knee.


Agilium Reactive

The Agilium Reactive is a lightweight brace that is comfortable to wear. The innovative closure technology of the calf allows users to loosen the strap with the push of a button.

The Agilium Reactive is a lightweight brace that is comfortable to wear. The innovative closure technology of the calf allows users to loosen the strap with the push of a button.

Agilium Vantage

Agilium Vantage

The Agilium Vantage is a low-profile wraparound knee brace designed to be worn during everyday, recreational and sporting activities. It provides lasting pain relied for those with mild to moderate unicompartmental osteoarthritis.

The Agilium Vantage is a low-profile wraparound knee brace designed to be worn during everyday, recreational and sporting activities. It provides lasting pain relied for those with mild to moderate unicompartmental osteoarthritis.

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