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Arm and Shoulder Joint Orthoses.

Improve your well-being with an arm or shoulder orthosis.

Most of our daily tasks involve the use of our arms and hands, we often overlook their significance until we cannot move them freely. Orthoses and supports designed for the arm, shoulder, and elbow joints can provide relief in everyday life by aiding in posture correction and alleviating joint stress. However, their effectiveness will depend on individual diagnoses and symptoms. Whether worn temporarily or permanently, these supports enhance daily functioning and overall comfort, contributing to improved well-being.

What is an arm or shoulder orthosis?

An arm orthosis is a medical device that is worn externally on your body to support or protect your musculoskeletal system. A doctor may prescribe an orthosis to treat an injury or illness, they may consult with an orthotist to determine the right device. Arm orthoses serve a variety of purposes, they can correct posture and movement patterns, relieve strain on your upper arm or forearm, and stabilise, mobilise or immobilise certain regions of your arm. Static orthoses are used to provide stability, whereas dynamic shoulder, elbow or arm orthoses are designed to compensate for a loss of arm function, support weak muscles or optimise joint flexibility. Orthoses can be made from a variety of materials, depending on the treatment approach, these include thermoplastics, silicone or carbon.

A smiling woman feels comfort and relief as she trials her Ottobock arm orthosis

What is an arm or shoulder support?

Supports are made of fabric with a high or low stretch factor and are worn directly on the skin. They fit very snugly to exert controlled compression on your joints and tissue, but they don’t impact your freedom of movement in any way. Shoulder and arm supports can stimulate your blood circulation and stabilise your joints. Elastic inserts called pads may be integrated to provide an added massage effect.

A close up shot of the fabric and material of an Ottobock arm brace

When do I need an orthosis or support for my shoulder or arm?

Shoulder and arm orthoses serve a dual purpose: they can either be used to treat acute medical conditions or aid in rehabilitation, for example a shoulder orthoses can be used to help patients after a stroke. By correcting a malposition of the humerus, it alleviates shoulder pain and restores movement, which is a key factor for an effective rehabilitation.

Epicondylitis, commonly known as tennis or golfer's elbow, most frequently arises from overuse of the elbow muscles and tendons. Patients report feeling pain and weakness, here an orthosis applies targeted pressure to ease tendon strain, offering pain relief and preventing further damage from repetitive motions.

People with osteoarthritis often experience swelling or fluid around the joint, especially in the shoulder or elbow. Thanks to its compression properties, a support can help reduce this swelling while also providing relief.

A woman putting on her shoulder orthosis from Ottobock.

Arm and Shoulder Orthoses Available from Ottobock.

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