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617PG5 - Lamination Technology

OrthoEpox hardener GreenLine

Product typeEpoxy lamination resins
Scope of applicationOrthosis lower limb, Orthosis upper limb, Prosthesis lower limb, Prosthesis upper limb
Use casesDefinitely orthosis production, Definitely socket production
All specifications

Product information

Scope of applicationOrthosis lower limb, Orthosis upper limb, Prosthesis lower limb, Prosthesis upper limb
Use casesDefinitely orthosis production, Definitely socket production
Product typeEpoxy lamination resins
Contents0,4-1 lbs
Order unitStück

Product Data

Article numberDescriptionNet contents
617PG5=0.4OrthoEpox hardener GreenLine0.4 lbs
617PG5=1OrthoEpox hardener GreenLine1 lbs
617HG5=1OrthoEpox GreenLine1 lbs
617HG5=5OrthoEpox GreenLine5 lbs
633T25=0.5Trenn- und Gleitmittel500 ml