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476C00 - Seating


The cushion for more sitting comfort

The Terra seat cushion features a high level of sitting comfort thanks to the use of anatomically shaped rest suspension foam.

The Terra seat cushion features a high level of sitting comfort thanks to the use of anatomically shaped rest suspension foam.

Max. body weight150 kg
ActivitiesDaily use
User groupyouths, adults, elderly
All specifications
Benefits at a glance
Effective pressure redistribution

The seat cushion provides effective pressure redistribution for users at moderate risk of developing pressure sores.

Improved sitting comfort

Thanks to the shock absorbing properties of the rest suspension foam, the cushion offers improved sitting comfort.

High level of sitting stability

The cushion provides high stability for activities and transfers due to its fit.


Product information

Max. body weight150 kg
ActivitiesDaily use
User groupyouths, adults, elderly
Product typeSeating + Positioning

Product Data

Article numberCushion widthCushion depthRecommended for body weightCover fabricSize
476C00=SK601405 mm405 mm150 kgDartex405 x 405
476C00=SK602455 mm455 mm150 kgDartex
476C00=SK603455 mm405 mm150 kgDartex
476C00=SK604405 mm455 mm150 kgDartex
476C00=SK605505 mm455 mm150 kgDartex
476C00=SK606380 mm405 mm150 kgDartex
476C00=SK607430 mm455 mm150 kgDartex
476C00=SK608355 mm405 mm150 kgDartex
476C00=SK631355 mm355 mm150 kgDartex
476C00=SK632405 mm505 mm150 kgDartex
476C00=SK633430 mm405 mm150 kgDartex
476C00=SK634430 mm505 mm150 kgDartex
476C00=SK635455 mm505 mm150 kgDartex
476C00=SK636505 mm405 mm150 kgDartex
476C00=SK637505 mm505 mm150 kgDartex
476C00=SA620150 kgDartex
476C00=SK640150 kgDartex
476C00=SK639150 kgDartex
476C00=SK638150 kgDartex
476C00=FCC12X12150 kgDartex
