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HR2426 - Children wheelchairs & Rehab Buggies

Nurmi Neo

The flexible walking aid is ideal for use at home or also on the go. Equipped with practical features, it helps the child maintain an upright posture and promotes independent mobility. The walking aid, which is available in three sizes and various frame colours, is positioned behind the body.

The flexible walking aid is ideal for use at home or also on the go. Equipped with practical features, it helps the child maintain an upright posture and promotes independent mobility. The walking aid, which is available in three sizes and various frame colours, is positioned behind the body.

Benefits at a glance
Freedom of movement, Nurmi Neo walking aid, Ottobock
Lightweight and robust

The lightweight and stable frame of the Nurmi Neo walking aid provides a high level of support and stability.

Practical folding mechanism, Nurmi Neo walking aid, Ottobock
Practical folding mechanism

Thanks to its practical folding mechanism, the Nurmi Neo is easy to fold so it readily fits into the boot of a car.

Support pads, Nurmi Neo walking aid, Ottobock
Support pads

Pads are optionally available to provide added support while walking, promoting the child's mobility.

Friction brake, Nurmi Neo walking aid, Ottobock
Reliable friction brake

A friction brake can be installed on the rear wheels to give users more control over their mobility.

Product Data

Total weightSize 1: 5.5 kg / size 2: 6 kg / size 3: 6.5 kg kg
Weight5,5 / 6,0 / 6,5 kg
Max. load25 / 40 / 55 kg