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Wander sitting in her red Avantgarde 4 manual wheelchair holding the lead of her dog.
Wander sitting in her red Avantgarde 4 manual wheelchair holding the lead of her dog.
Wander sitting in her red Avantgarde 4 manual wheelchair holding the lead of her dog.

Wheelchairs & Seating Real Life Stories.

Read the latest real life stories from our users and hear how Ottobock wheelchairs have empowered them to live an active and independent life.
Read the latest real life stories from our users and hear how Ottobock wheelchairs have empowered them to live an active and independent life.

Catherine's Avantgarde Real Life Story.

Catherine 30, from Buckinghamshire loves to stand out with bright colours to show her bubbly personality and sense of fun and wanted a customisable wheelchair that could keep up with her social activities and enable her to live life to the full.

Catherine in her Avantgarde manual wheelchair with Ottobock SHAPE Custom Seating

David's Wingus Real Life Story.

David Barton, 47, from Leeds spent over 2 decades working in the wheelchair industry educating mobility companies and technicians all over the world on the benefits that a uniquely fitted wheelchair makes to a person’s life.

Dave Barton